星野 藍子
Aiko Hoshino Lecturer
Aiko Hoshino Lecturer
● | 精神障害に対するリハビリテーション及び作業療法 |
● | 精神障害作業療法評価学 ( Assessment in Occupational therapy for mental disorders ) |
● | 精神心理作業療法学 ( Occupational Therapy for Mental Disorders ) |
● | 作業療法概論Ⅰ ( Occupational Therapy Theoretical ConceptsⅠ ) |
● | 地域作業療法学 ( Community-based Occupational Therapy ) |
● | 作業学Ⅲ及び実習 ( Occupationology and Activity Practice Ⅲ ) |
● | 作業療法学臨床実習 ( Clinical Fieldwork ) |
● | 特別研究 ( Research Work ) |
● | リハビリテーション療法学セミナー ( Seminar on Rehabilitation Science ) |
● | リハビリテーション療法学特講 ( Special Lectures on Rehabilitation Science ) |
私の研究室では、精神障害を持つ方が望む形の社会参加に向けた介入方法の開発を目指し、研究を行っています。主に統合失調症をはじめとするSerious Mental Illness(SMI)の方のための地域生活支援、うつ病をはじめとした気分障害や大人の発達障害の方の復職支援をテーマに、健康な方や疾患を有されている方の社会参加の阻害因子の調査、新たな評価手法や介入方法の検討、予防的手段の開発などを行っています。またその結果に関しては何らかの形で当事者や社会に還元できる様、日々努力しています。ご興味のある方はぜひご連絡ください。
In my laboratory, we are conducting research to develop intervention methods for people with mental disorders to participate in society in the way they want. The main themes of our research are community life support for people with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) such as schizophrenia, and return to work support for people with mood disorders such as depression and adult developmental disabilities. We are also investigating new evaluation methods and intervention methods, and developing preventive interventions. We are also working hard to return the results of our research to the people concerned and to society in some form. If you are interested, please contact us.
In my laboratory, we are conducting research to develop intervention methods for people with mental disorders to participate in society in the way they want. The main themes of our research are community life support for people with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) such as schizophrenia, and return to work support for people with mood disorders such as depression and adult developmental disabilities. We are also investigating new evaluation methods and intervention methods, and developing preventive interventions. We are also working hard to return the results of our research to the people concerned and to society in some form. If you are interested, please contact us.